Monday, January 24, 2011


So today was my first day at school, which is called I.E.S Litoral, (website for anyone who's interested, ) or affectionately named in Spanish, 'el Instituto', (which I personally found a little ironic considering it looks similar to a hospital, or a prison... I will take some pictures eventually) Anyway, because my host dad Javi is the economy teacher, I went with him. Luckily the school is literally a 3 minute walk from the house, which means I can sleep in a little later, Huzzah! I was put in Cami's classes, which is really, really good, because 99% of the time I have absolutely no clue whats going on and its nice having a friend in class, especially one who speaks English! So on Monday's here's my timetable,

Begin at 8.15

Gym (monday morning pe, haaaate it)
Lengua (Spanish)

Finish at 2.45

Unsurprisingly, English is my favourite subject so far and gym being my least favourite, ugh. All my teachers are really, really nice though (although my gym teacher scares me, a lot). I'm not really doing anything, work wise, in school just yet, my Spanish is way to bad for that. I don't really mind school, its a little boring at the moment because I'm just kinda sitting there for 5 hours, but I'm sure it will get better, eventually, and I'm really happy to have Cami in my classes!

I haven't really talked to anyone else at school yet apart from a few hello's and 'I'm from Australia', its difficult because my Spanish is really, really bad and no one really speaks that much English. Hopefully when I get a bit better, I'll make some more friends.

Also, at lunch time we watched people playing soccer out in the court yard, EVERYONE IS SO GOOD. Its really, really impressive but scary and intimidating at the same time haha.

After school, we ate dinner, at around 3 o'clock, it weirded me out a little, because I'm not used to eating meals that big at such an early time. After having a siesta (yes, I have siesta's, and yes, they are amazing) my host parents and myself went for a short walk around the parks, although we weren't out very long because it was so cold and dark, apparently I arrived at a really horrible time, weather wise.

Anyway, so my first day at school was a little over whelming and blurry, but I enjoyed it and can't wait until my Spanish gets better! :D

Adios Amigos~

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