Saturday, January 22, 2011


So I arrived at Malaga airport at around 3.30 in the afternoon. After collecting my (now broken) suitcase, I was met with a rather large welcoming party. I was greeted by my host father Javi, my host mum Pacqui, and my host brother, also Javi. Pacqui's sister and niece, so my host aunt and cousin, Pepe and Toni, were also there to meet me. Along with my family, some other exchange students, Campbell, Mystiah and Thomas, also came to the airport. I'm really glad they came because it was fantastic to meet them, as well as really helpful to have someone who knew English and could answer (my many) questions. Alejandro, the Malaga Rotary club president, and his wife and daughter were also there!

Anyway, this was the first thing I saw when I landed, it was so beautiful, and I was so happy/excited!

Toni, Pepe, Javi, Javi, Pacqui, Me, Campbell, Thomas, Anna (Mystiah's sister), Mystiah and Alejandro

After wards, we went back to my host families apartment where I will be living for the next couple of months. I really like it and I'll take photos later for a future blog post.

Anyway, Thomas, the French Canadian exchange student came back with us, because he lives really close and later, Fisher, another American exchange student also came over (he couldn't make it to the airport) and we all went for a walk around the neighborhood and to the beach, which is really close to my house. However, it was cold and dark, so I didn't take any pictures. By 8pm, I was ridiculously tired, so I went to bed, which was really exciting of me.

Anyway, I had a really good first day in Spain, my Host Family are really, really lovely, even if their English is not very good and my Spanish is terrible! So although communication is hard at the moment but I'm really happy to be in Spain and to be living here! Anyway, I shall write soon about all my adventures, adios amigos!

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