Sunday, January 23, 2011


My first, full day in Spain. I’m really glad I arrived on a Saturday instead of a Sunday, otherwise I would have been at school the next day, which would have been really quite fun, ha. Anyway, today I went with Thomas, Fisher and Javi into Centro to meet Cami, Mystiah, Kara and Alejandro, Mystiah's host brother. Centro is basically the ‘main street’ of Malaga, and is essentially the most important part. It’s basically like (for all those in Adelaide) Rundle Mall, but nicer and with better shops.

The Street

(not my picture)

However, as it was Sunday, almost everything was closed and it was really quiet, which I didn’t mind. Everyone showed me around, pointing things out and explaining things, they also took me to the Cathedral, which is really, really amazing. However because the weather was pretty terrible, I didn’t take any pictures, but will do so on a nicer day.

After wandering for awhile, we went to eat at a small Cafe. The food here is really different and really cheap. I got a 1 euro chocolate sandwich, it was really weird, but really, really good. I can totally see myself becoming veeerrrryy fat in the near future.

After eating, we walked through Malaga's equvilent of central park, I believe its called 'el parque'. Anyway, its really beautiful, really big and goes right down to the wharf/docks. We spent quite a bit of time in the parks but it was so ridiculously cold, so we decided to go back to Mystiah's and Alejandro's house to play 'apple for apple' (which i think in Spanish is Manzana por Manzana), anyway, basically its a game where a card with an emotion or 'thought' is put down, like 'perfect' or 'strange', and the players have to place down a card which they think suits that card best. For instance, when the card 'mysterious' was put down, I put down female football. Anyway, the aim of the game is too collect as many of the cards as possible. I ended up with nine in the end, which surprised me, because I couldn't read the cards 95% of the time. I think it was luck, or my cards were so ridiculous? After playing, myself, Thomas, Javi, Cami and Fisher headed back into Centro to go home. Cami took a different bus from us (and had a rather creepy experience with an odd person >: ) and I caught the good ol' number 16 back home.

Anyway, I had a fantastic first day! Everyone is so lovely and helpful, its really making a daunting experience not very daunting at all. I hope I continue to have days like this for the rest of my exchange :D

Adios Amigos.

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