Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So today was 'Dia Mundial de la paz juegos' or universal/world day of peace games, so basically, we just played fun games in the gym all day in honor of the peace. I'm still not 100% sure what its all about to be honest. So first thing we go to the gym to set up all the games, there were a total of 6,

voleibol gigante,
el laberinto,
el maniquí,
cruzar el río
and some other game that I never played/don't know the name of.

Voleibol Gigante was essentially volleyball, however, they used a giant gym ball instead. It was kinda scary actually, especially when the ball went over our makeshift gym mat barriers and hit people (cami got hit on the head).

El Laberinto was basically a maze set up with hurdle type barriers and garbage bags. In the maze there were bags hidden and one had a tennis ball in it, to people would enter the maze and the first person to find the ball was the winner. It was a pretty fun game actually, but I still think it would have been cooler if the participants were blindfolded ;D

El Maniquí was basically a dress up game. There were two teams and one mannequin on each team. The people running the game would hold up a table tennis bat with an item of clothing on it and one of the team members would have to find the clothes/hat/glasses/whatever in the bag and do the 'challenge' with that item of clothes, i.e a jacket = 10 push ups, glasses = climbing for a balloon etc. This was probably the hardest game for me because I had no idea what the signs said, so I didn't know what the challenge was. Fun game though :D

Fútbolin was a human size version of the table football game or foosball,

(because I suck at explaining)

So all the players had to stand in lines holding hands and try to score a goal. I didn't personally play this game, but I heard it was hard because most of the time it ended up turning into normal football/soccer. I thought it was a really clever idea though!

Cruzar el Río, or crossing was the river, was the game I spent the most time at/running with Lorena. There were two teams and pairs would have to jump across hoops on the ground to the mat on the other side and back before the other team in order to win. If the game finished early, the whole team would attempt to go across together. It was a pretty fun game actually, I had to play sometimes if one team was short a player.

It was a really, really long day (we spent basically the whole day in the gym, apart from going to philosophy) but really fun! It was kind of like sports day back home, except much smaller, not competitive and more enjoyable (in my opinion)

Later that day, after school, I went out with my host brother and his friends again, this time we went to his friends house and played playstation and listened to music (DD). After we had stayed out awhile, Paco went and got kebabs because he was hungry, they were pretty good actually!

And that was my day, sorry for all the text! Adios Amigos!

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