Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today I met my extended family for the first time (well properly anyway). With my host parents and brother, we went to the 'Campo' which basically translates into country, although in Autralia, it wouldn't really be considered the 'country', per se. Anyway, we went to my mum's sister's, Pepe's, house and met my host uncle Manuel and his wife Yolanda, and my host cousins Elena, who is around 15 (and speaks English really well) and my younger host cousin Carmen, who's around 8 and the cutest thing ever! I also met my host mum's father, who's 94!

For lunch we had a rice and chicken dice, which was really, really delicious and cooked over an open fire in a huge cauldron type thing, I've never seen so much food in my entire life! There was a ridiculous amount. After we had all finished eating, we went for a walk around the 'campo' and went to a view point where you can see the majority of Malaga. I also helped Pepe and Yolanda pick some herbs which can be found on the mountain and are 'typical of Andalucia', I can't remember what they were called though.

All in all, it was a really nice and relaxed day, and my host and extended family are really, really warm and welcoming and I feel very lucky to be placed with such a wonderful family!

I also skyped with mum for the first time today, although my camera/mic wasn't working, but I got to see mum, rob and noah, which was good! :D

mum and noah (he looks so grumpy!)

(once again, I have photo's from today, but they are not on this computer, so I'll post them another day) Adios Amigos!

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