Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So just another day at school, nothing amazing to write about, so I thought I'd write up this little list~

Things I love about Spain

  • The food
  • My exchange student friends!
  • The relaxed lifestyle
  • The little thing outside my house which sells candy
  • The Spanish bus system
  • Siestas and fiestas
  • The clothes shops
  • My host family
  • How close my school is
  • The thought of sending/receiving letters
  • Learning a new language
  • The weather
  • The buildings/city
  • The American English teacher
  • Malaga at night
  • The names Mario and Alejandro
  • Hiding from Elaina in gym class with Cami
  • Watching anime with my host dad
  • My teachers
  • Upcoming Portugal trip
  • Spanish ham
  • The shopping centres and supermarkets
  • Listening to Spanish people speak English
  • The amount of ugly dogs
  • Lack of bogans
  • Teaching my host mum English
  • The parks
  • Spanish water! Soft skin and hair
  • My really nice host brother who let me hang out with him and his friends and promised to take me to a disco haha!
  • All the stylish ladies
  • The views
  • Centro
  • Living in an apartment/flat

The Things I miss

  • understanding what people are saying
  • Noah
  • Being able to go to the shops and buying something by myself
  • My shower and having my own bathroom
  • Drawing
  • My friends and our stupid joking and antics
  • My dvd collection (i’ve had such a craving to watch LOTR and the office)
  • being able to call sam whenever and asking him to come over and watch movies
  • hinely street mcdonalds/mcdonalds in general
  • tatachilla
  • meat pies and just, bakery good in general
  • not having gym
  • loli
  • art class with friends
  • rotary meetings
  • being able to chat with my friends whenever without having to worry about a stupid time difference
  • central heating
  • driving
  • having a uniform at school
  • being able to walk around the house in socks or bare feet
  • not going to uni with all my friends
  • English tv and movies
  • Going to the pantry whenever
  • My room

Even though I miss all of these things, i haven’t felt homesick yet, weird. So far these lists are pretty even, but i’m really hoping the ‘love’ list will continue to grow and the ‘miss’ list get smaller.

Adios Amigos!

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