Friday, February 4, 2011


So, today was just another day at school nothing terribly exciting happened. I think that once I start to understand/speak better Spain, I'll have a much better time at school, because I'll actually know whats going on and will have a much easier time making friends.

Today however, was my first 'proper' soccer game. Before I came to Spain, I really enjoyed watching soccer, and playing it. Now I only enjoy watching it. I'm honestly, so terrible at soccer, especally in comparison to Spanish people, espeically at school, who's 'casual playing', is in league with Australia's professional level. It is kind of sucky playing with so many amazng players considering I can't even kick the ball straight and I feel like I'm constantly letting my team down, also doesn't help that my gym teacher yells at whenever I play, even when I am playing. Oh well, hopefully I get better soon, if not, well....

Anyway, after school, Thomas, another exchange student from Quebec, (who is fluent in French, English and Spanish, I'm so jealous of him) came over for lunch. Both Thomas and Fischer leave really close to me and are good friends with my host family, so I see them more often outside of school. After lunch, Thomas invited me to go out with him and his friends, so after having a quick siesta, we both headed off to Centro.

At Centro, we met up with Thomas's friends from the other class (Thomas and Kara are in a different class to me and Camie) and we walked around Centro for awhile. I'm still not 100% sure where I am a lot of the time in Centro, a lot of it looks the same. We also visited a few churches and some people went into pray. I found that really different from something we'd do in Australia, like, I cannot imagine it happening. After walking around for awhile (when friends hang out, they tend to do A LOT of wandering before settling anywhere) we went to Burger King for dinner, which is really expensive in Spain (and just quietly, not as nice as Hungry Jacks)

After dinner, they took me to the bull ring so I could see it and we just hung around talking and laughing. A few of them spoke really, really good English, so with their English and my broken Spanish we were all able to communicate. I talked a lot about Australia and we all sang Spice Girls songs. It was a really fun night and everyone was really, really lovely! :D I hope I can do that more often!

Sorry for lack of photos, I always forget to take them! I'll try harder to take more photos more often! Adios Amigos!

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