Thursday, February 3, 2011


School today basically felt like the longest day in my life, although when I'm at school here, time seems to stop, I think its probably because I'm not doing anything yet! We did however, do some more peace games, this time we weren't really running them, more so, playing them. However, although they are fun, myself and Cami aren't really good, nor do we enjoy anything to do with gym class, so we basically spent the whole time laughing about stupid things, 'defending our space' and hiding in Elaina's house :D

After school however, I went with my host family to visit Gibralfaro, the castle at the top of the mountain which overlooks the city. Unfortunately the castle part was closed, but we'll go another day. We did however, go to Paradores, a really, really expensive restaurant but it had amazing views of Malaga, here are the photos,

Northern Side of the city

Southern side (where I live) and the bull fighting ring!

People were practicing

The Port

Paradores, the restaurant

me and my host mum Pacqui


The b

The big tower, Torre Monica, I live near there!

The Cathedral (close up)

So yeah, Malaga is a really amazing and beautiful place, it has a really weird mixture of old and new, but it works. I love it here, and I intend to take a lot more photos! :D

Adios Amigos!

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